Selamat siang, setelah berpuasa menulis berbulan bulan. Kali ini saya muncul dengan masalah linux. Mungkin kalian juga pernah mengalaminya atau sedang mencari solusi.

    Apakah kalian pernah melepas hardisk ekstenal tanpa di mounting ?

Terus apa yang terjadi?

Pada kasus saya, Hard disk saya tidak bisa di mouting pada linux dan muncul masalah seperti di bawah ini :

Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).
Failed to mount ‘/dev/sdb2’: Input/output error
NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it’s a
SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows
then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very
important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate
it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.
/dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the ‘dmraid’ documentation
for more details.

Bagaimana solusinya ? Anda bisa menggunakan sudo ntfsfix /dev/nama_partisi.

$ sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb2

/dev/sdb2 adalah letak hd saya yang tidak mau di mounting

kiki@kiki-X450JB:/media/kiki# sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb2
Mounting volume... $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).
Attempting to correct errors... 
Processing $MFT and $MFTMirr...
Reading $MFT... OK
Reading $MFTMirr... OK
Comparing $MFTMirr to $MFT... FAILED
Correcting differences in $MFTMirr record 0...OK
Correcting differences in $MFTMirr record 1...OK
Correcting differences in $MFTMirr record 2...OK
Correcting differences in $MFTMirr record 3...OK
Processing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.
Setting required flags on partition... OK
Going to empty the journal ($LogFile)... OK
Checking the alternate boot sector... OK
NTFS volume version is 3.1.
NTFS partition /dev/sdb2 was processed successfully.

Setelah selesai anda dapat mengakses file anda.

Semoga berhasil, Terimakasih.